Palm trees are beautiful. But they also require hard work. Especially when the large trees have to be repotted in larger pots for sale to – especially – hotels on the French Polynesian islands. That repotting requires a lot of muscle power. Smaller performers are used for cultivation: the nutrients of Cellmax.
The cultivation of palm trees starts with patience. The majestic end product can only be grown from seed and it can take some time for this seed to germinate. It is also the phase in which the palm is most vulnerable: in more than half of the cases, germination goes wrong.
In order to maximize the chance of good results, experienced growers in Tahiti, such as Ari, use Cellmax’s Universal Potting Soil: “Palms are sensitive trees and many species grow slowly. For a good growth of the roots, they should never be too wet, which is why we use an airy potting soil so that the water can flow away quickly. Especially with Cellmax potting soil we see good results. This soil is extra airy due to the addition of perlite. This makes it easier for young plants to produce roots and to continue to grow well in the early stages of their development. These young palms are much healthier than those in sandy and poorer soils. With the addition of Cellmax Rootbooster, the vulnerable root system of saplings is also better protected and they develop well.
The young palm trees are grown with a mixture of Cellmax Terra Soil Mix and Cocos. In the first few months there is no need for extra fertilizer use because the plant takes the fertilizer for the first shoots and leaves from its own seed husk. After that, Cellmax Bio Grow is often added to the plant’s diet. Once a week, the all vegetable Cellmax Bio 8-2-2 fertilizer is added to the irrigation water. This provides sufficient nutrients and elements so that the palm tree can develop to its full potential.
Palm grower Ari explains the choice for Cellmax: “We chose this brand because it comes from the Netherlands. The Netherlands is well known as horticultural and agricultural land. Cellmax’s products matched our – and our customers’ – demand for high-quality potting soil and additional plant nutrients. Many growers economise on good soil, but that’s essential for beautiful and strong plants”.
Palms do not need to be repotted until the roots grow out of the pot at the bottom. This repotting usually takes place in the spring, so that the roots can grow again during the summer. It is very important that the palm is rested and protected for a few weeks after repotting. After all, transplanting is always an attack on the health and vitality of a plant. Ari and his colleagues also use Cellmax products for repotting and planting in the open ground: “Palms are our main source of income. We want to give them everything they need to become bigger and stronger. With Cellmax’s nutrients, such as the Rootbooster, the roots get the right substances to develop quickly. As a result, the plants grow faster than before. And they become more beautiful: with large and glossy leaves. And that’s what our customers want!”
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