Growing organically and sustainably with Cellmax Bio

Choose organic cultivation with the Cellmax Bio products. As an organic grower you are of course also a conscious grower. With Cellmax you know exactly what you are adding to your self-grown plants.

100% vegetable

Did you know that almost all potting compost and fertilisers contain animal residues? We believe that animal residues do not belong in gardens or nurseries. Cellmax products are therefore made exclusively from vegetable ingredients.

The botanical ingredients we use at Cellmax come for example from potatoes, beets and sugar cane. Our bottles show exactly which ingredients are in them, so you know exactly what you are feeding your plants.

Pure organic

When we say organic, we really mean organic. All Cellmax BIO products are certified by Control Union and are therefore suitable for use in controlled organic agriculture and horticulture. With the BIO line, you have everything you need for growing your plants in a pot, greenhouse or vegetable garden.

Do what is right for your plants

Plants have different stages of development. From the seed, a seedling sprouts. From this the seedling develops, followed by the growth and fruiting phase. If you use the right nutrients during each phase, your plants will become stronger and greener. They will produce more fruit and taste better too.

Follow the link below to learn all about organic manure and additives, why it is needed and when it is best to use which product.

All about fertilisers and additives

potting soil

Certified organic potting soil of the best quality. 100% vegetable. For a good start to all your organic projects.

Also available on a pallet with 30 or 60 bags of 50 liters.

The most sustainable and organic potting soil with excellent properties. Suitable for the entire life cycle of your plant.

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Organic fertilizers

Plants need nitrogen to grow. Traditional potting soil contains added nitrogen from animal waste and the chemical industry. Cellmax organic potting soil uses only plant materials that together provide the nitrogen in your soil. This process is slightly slower than with traditional fertiliser. It is therefore wise to use Cellmax organic plant food. There are different products, which have been specially developed for different purposes. These include a healthy soil life, a powerful root system and optimum support during the growth and flowering phases of your plants. All Cellmax nutrients contain an accurate NPK ratio and additional natural vitamins, proteins and acids. These ingredients combine to ensure optimum plant growth, more fruit and better taste.

Bio-organic Grow

Certified organic plant food for growth promotion. You use this product during the growth phase. Ensures strong, healthy plants.

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Bio-Organic Bloom

Certified organic plant food for promotion of flowering. You use this feed when your plants start to flower or bear fruit.

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Organic additives

Additieven zijn toevoegingen die je naast meststoffen gebruikt voor het optimaal laten groeien en bloeien van planten. Vaak hebben toevoegingen een bepaalde functie, zoals het stimuleren van wortelgroei of het verbeteren van het bodemleven. Hiervoor hebben we een aantal biologische producten ontwikkeld. Want wanneer je biologisch teelt, wil je natuurlijk ook biologisch gecertificeerde additieven gebruiken.

Bio Rootbooster

An organic root stimulator based on algae extracts. Gives your plants an ideal start by stimulating a healthy development of the root system.

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Bio 8-2-2

Cellmax Bio 8-2-2 is a certified organic plant food with a high organic nitrogen value. For a healthy soil life and stable plant growth.

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Bio-organic Grow

Certified organic plant food for growth promotion. You use this product during the growth phase. Ensures strong, healthy plants.

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Cellmax Bio-Organic Grow

Bio-Organic Bloom

Certified organic plant food for promotion of flowering. You use this feed when your plants start to flower or bear fruit.

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Bio Calsimag Blad Spray

Calsimag is an organic foliar spray to supplement mineral deficiencies. Makes your plant less susceptible to pests, insects and other unwanted diseases

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Product X – Micorrhiza

Micorrhiza ensures that fungi in the soil release the right minerals to the roots of your plants. Packed in fermented grape must along with other beneficial fungi and bacteria.

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Also view our other product lines

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