Information about everything that comes with growing
Ze zijn de schattige baby’s van jouw favoriete groente, ze smaken beter en zien er leuk uit: microgreens, micro-groente of cressen. Hoe je het ook wil noemen feit is dat deze ‘confetti’ groente een heerlijke smaakbeleving zijn op jouw bord. De biologische productlijn van Cellmax heeft zich op het gebied van microgreens, micro-groente of cressen zich bij de professionele en hobby kwekers bewezen.
In this article, we discuss the four growth phases of plants and what you can do to give your plants the best nutrition and protection during each phase. If you use the right nutrients during each phase, your plants will grow stronger and greener. They will produce more fruit and will also taste better.
Don't have a garden or balcony or would you like to grow your own lettuce in the winter months? Then try it inside in a pot! We explain how. Nothing more delicious than composing your own salad with lettuce that you have grown yourself. Advantage: it is not difficult at all and if you choose the right types of lettuce, you can harvest quickly. In this blog we explain step by step how you grow your own lettuce.
The relationship between plants and seaweed has always been well known, but from a botanical perspective, the many benefits of this natural growth hormone are kept quiet. In this article, we discuss how seaweed and the plant world go hand in hand by working together on a symbiotic level.
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